Monday, September 28, 2009

My first time looking at a tiger

My first time look ing at a tiger was in the Hyder abad Zoo. I was there when i was in the 6th stan dard. I was strolling along the cage and was look ing for him. And then there he strolls him. He was imper vi ous to all the awe stares and the gasps of won der struck spec ta tors. Since then I have been faci nated by tigers
But the pro cras ti na tor has been at work and has not gone to ban dar garh or such a sanc tu ary where where i can see this mag ni fi cient beast in all his glory.
I take vic arous plea sure in the gal lary of meethil ( ) where he has shot a lot of tigers (with a cam era thank god) and i have them on my desktop!


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